2495 E. Mountain St.
Pasadena CA 91104
Take 101 South. Take 134 East toward Burbank, Glendale. Exit Sierra Madre BL/AL Tadena Dr. keep going straight to go onto Corson St. Turn left on North AL Tadena Dr. Then turn left on E. Mountain St.
Akiba School
10400 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles CA 90024
Take 405 freeway.
Exit 55B – Wilshire Blvd East. Go East to Beverly Glen.
(Corner of Beverly Glen & Wilshire)
To get to parking lot, turn right on Beverly Glen and another right on Ashton.
Bell-Jeff School
465 E. Olive Ave.
Burbank CA 91501
Take 101 Ventura Fwy East. Take 134 Fwy. East. Exit Buena Vista and go right. Make a left on Buena Vista . Pass Providence High School & make a right on Olive. Pass Glenoaks & the school is located on Olive on the left hand side.
*Parking is limited, so you should find a spot on the street if the parking lot is full.
Ben Page Memorial Youth Center
4640 Hollister Ave.
Santa Barbra CA 93110
101 south. Exit Turnpike Rd. Turn right on Turnpike Road. Turn left onto Hollister Ave. Gym is located approximately 1 mile down on the left hand side.
(Looks like a big warehouse)
Berkely Hall
16000 Mulholland Dr.
Los Angeles CA 90049
101 Fwy. Exit Laurel Canyon
South to school (Laurel Canyon, just South of 101 Fwy.)
Bishop Diego High School
4000 La Colina Rd.
Santa Barbra CA 93110
101 Ventura Fwy. North
Exit 154 state street. Go trough the stop light. Turn right on Paslas Lane, which is before you get to the second signal. Pasetas Lane will dead end into the school.
Brentwood School
100 S. Barrington Place
101 Ventura Fwy East. 405 Fwy South Exit Sunset Blvd. Make a left on Barrington place.
Buckley School
3600 Stansbury
Sherman Oaks 91423
101 Fwy exit Van Nuys Blvd. South to Ventura Blvd. East to Stansbury. South to school.
(Van Nuys Blvd. & Ventura Blvd.)
Catalina Express – at Long Beach Downtown Catalina Landing
320 Golden Shore
101 Ventura Fwy East. 405 San Diego Fwy South 710 Fwy. South into Long Beach exit Golden Shore. Turn right at the stop sign, follow around to the Terminal on the right.
Chadwick School
26800 S. Academy Dr.
101 East Ventura to 405 South San Diego Fwy. Exit Crenshaw- Go South (make a right). Pass PCH. Go through Palos Verdes Dr. North interception. Turn right on Chadwick Lane. Make the next 3 left turns through the residential area up the hill.
Chamlian School
4444 Lowell Ave.
La Cresenta
101 Ventura Fwy. East. Take 134 Fwy East. Take 2 Fwy North. Take 210 Fwy. West.
Exit Lowell Ave. and go right Chamlian school is located on Lowell on your right hand side just before you get to Foothill Blvd.
Crossroads School
1714 21st Street
Santa Monica 90404
101 Ventura Fwy. East to 405 Fwy South. Take 10 Fwy West(towards Santa Monica) Exit Cloverfield & make a right . Make a left on Olympic Blvd. Crossroads School is on the Corner of Olympic & 21st Street.
Curtis School
15871 Mulholland Dr.
Los Angeles CA 90049
take 101 Ventura Fwy East then take 405 Fwy South. Exit Skilball-Mulholland Dr.
Make a right on Walt Disney Dr. The school is located on the right hand side.
Faith Baptist School
7644 Farralone
Canoga Park 91304
take 101 Fwy, exit Topanga Blvd., North to Saticoy. West to School.
(corner of Farralone & Saticoy)
Glendale Academy
700 Kimlin Dr.
Glendale CA 91206
take 101 Ventura Fwy East. Take 134 Ventura Fwy East. Exit Harvey Dr. & go left. Make a left on Chevy Chase. Make a right on Kimlin Dr.
Glendale Ararat Center
1615 N. Alexandria Ave.
Los Angeles CA 90027
Take 101 Ventura Fwy. East. Take 134 Fwy East. Take 2 Fwy South
Exit San Fernando Rd. & make a right. The Glendale Ararat Center is on the right hand side on San Fernando Rd. by the police station.
Glendale Community College
1500 North Verdugo Rd.
Glendale CA 91206
take 101 Ventura Fwy. East. Take 134 Fwy. East. Take2 Fwy North Exit Mountain & go left.
*The parking lots will be on your right hand side.
Heschel School
17701 Devonshire St.
Northridge 91324
Take 405 Fwy. Exit Devonshire St., West to school.
(Devonshire and Zelzah)
Hesperian Christian School
Hillcrest Christian School
Holy Family School
400 E. Lomita
Glendale CA 91205
Take 101 Fwy. East to 134 Fwy. East. exit Glendale Ave., make a right. Pass Colorado the next light is Lomita. Turn Right and the school is on the left.
Laguna Blanca School
4125 Paloma Dr.
Santa Barbra CA 93110
Take 101 Ventura Fwy West, exit La Cumbre. Cross the Freeway. make 2 left turns. this will bring you to a stop sight. that street is Los Palmas. Go Straight, Laguna Blanca School is located on the corner of Los Palmas & Polama Dr.
Lake View Terrace Recreation Center
11075 Foothill Blvd.
Take 101 Fwy East to 405San Diego Fwy North to 118 Fwy East to 210 Fwy East. Take 1st exit Osborne, make a left on Foothill, go under the Freeway, go for about 3/4 miles. Lake View Terrace Recreation Center is on Foothill Blvd.
Milken Community School
15800 Zeldins Way
Los Angeles CA 90049
Take 101 Ventura Fwy East to 405 Fwy South. Exit Skirball Mulholland Dr. & make a left. Go over the bridge & make another left to Skirball Center Dr. to school.
Montclair Prep. School
8071 Sepulveda Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91402
take 101 Ventura Fwy. East to 405 Fwy North. exit Roscoe & go east(right). make a right on Sepulveda. Montclair Prep School is located on the corner of Lanart & Sepulveda.
New Community Jewish School
22622 Vanowen St.
West Hills CA 91304
take 101 Fwy North Ventura then exit Topanga Canyon North then make a left on Vanowen St.
The school is on the left.
North Hollywood Park
North Hollywood Park (For Cross Country Meet)
Oakwood School
11600 Magnolia Blvd.
North Hollywood CA 91607
Take 101 Fwy, exit Laurel Canyon. North to Magnolia. East to School. (Magnolia & 170 Fwy)
Old YMCA Gym
9930 Santa Monica Blvd.
Beverley Hills CA 90212
Take 101 Fwy South to 405 south toward Santa Monica, exit on Santa Monica Blvd. Turn Left on Santa Monica Blvd. (Stay on your right side, gym is on your right)
Pacifica Christian
1730 Wilshire Blvd.
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Pasadena City College
1570 Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena CA 91106
Take 101 Fwy East to 134 Fwy East to 210 Fwy East exit Hill Ave. and take a right. Take a left on Colorado Blvd.
Pasadena High School
2925 Sierra Madre Blvd.
Take 101 Fwy East to 134 Fwy East to 210 Fwy East then exit Sierra Madre & make a right at the light. Make a left at the next light, drive straight you’ll see the school on the left right before reaching Washington.
Pierce College
Pilibos School
1615 N. Alexandria Blvd.
L.A. CA 90027
Take 101 Fwy East to 101 Hollywood Fwy South then exit Hollywood Blvd & turn left. then turn right on Alexandria & the gym will be on your right hand side.
Pinecrest School (Woodlandhills)
5975 Shoup Ave.
Take 101 Fwy West exit Shoup Ave. and go West on Ventura Blvd. Turn Right on Shoup Ave. The school is located on the Corner of Shoup and Oxnard.
Poly Pasadena High School
1030 California Blvd.
take 101 Fwy East to 134 Ventura Fwy East to 210 Fwy East then exit Lake Ave & turn right. then trun left on CA blvd. turn right on Wilson Pasadena Polys Gym is located on Wilson.
Providence High School
511 South Buena Vista
take 101 East to 134 East exit Buena Vista & turn right. then trun left on the first stop light. Go under the freeway & Providence High School will be on your left.
RCC Moreno Valley- Cross Country Course
16130 Laselle St.
Moreno Valley, CA 92551
Take 101 South to 101 Hollywood Fwy South to 5 Fwy South to 60 East then exit on Perris Blvd. & turn right. turn left on Cactus Ave, turn right on Laselle St. the Campus will be on your left.
Ribet Academy
2911 San Fernando Rd. in LA
Take 101 East to 134 East to 2 South then exit San Fernando Rd. & turn left.
Rio Hondo
5150 Farna Ave,
Arcadia, Ca 91006
San Antonio College SAC
1100 N Grand Ave
Walnut, CA 91789
San Gabriel Academy
8827 Broadway
San Gabriel CA 91776
Take 101 South to 134 East toward Burbank, Glendale, take 210 East exit Rosemead Blvd South. Go straight to go onto Walnut St. Turn right onto Rosemead Blvd. Turn right onto Broadway.
Santa Clara High School
2121 Saviers Rd.
Oxnard CA 93033
take 101 North then take CA-232| Vineyard Ave. Exit toward Oxnard, turn left onto E. Vineyeard Ave. / CA-232
Turn left onto N. Oxnard Blvd. N. Oxnard Blvd. becomes Saviers Rd. Make U-turn onto Saviers Rd.
Santa Clarita Christian School
27249 Luther Dr.
Take 101 South to 405 North to 5 North to 14 Fwy toward Palmdale, Lancaster. Take the Sierra Highway then turn left onto Soledad Canyon Rd. Turn left on to Luther Dr.
15501 E Arrow Hwy
Irwindale, CA 91706
Sierra Canyon School
11052 Independence
(in Chatsworth)
Take 101 East to 405 Norht to 118 West then Exit De Soto & make a left(South) make a right on Chatsworth, make a right on Variel then make a right on Rinaldi and the school is at the corner of Rinaldi and Canoga.
Simi Valley Pinecrest School
4974 Cochran St.
Simi Valley CA 93063
Take 101 East to 405 North to 118 West. Exit Sterns & go left off the Freeway. Go to Cochran and make a right. The School is located on the left hand side by the church.
Southwestern Academy
2800 Monterey Rd.
San Marino, CA 91108
Take the 101 South to 134 East toward Burbank/Glendale. The take the 210 West and exit toward San Fernando. Take the Del Mar BL/California Bl. exit toward CA-110. Keep left at the fork in the ramp then turn left onto West CA Blvd. Then turn right onto South Arroyo PKWY/CA-110 to S/Historic route 66. Turn left onto East Glenarm St. then urn left onto South Los Robles Ave. Then turn left onto Monterey Rd. and the location is on the right.
Tri-City Christian High School
1737 West Vista Way
Vista CA 92083
Take the 101 East to 405 South to 5 South to 78 East towards Escondido. Take the Emerald Dr. exit then turn left and the church and the gym is on your left.
Valley School
15700 Sherman Way
(Van Nuys)
Take the 101 East to the 405 North and exit Sherman Way West. The school is on the corner of Sherman Way & Haskell. you can park on Haskell, so make a left on Haskell and the school and gym are on your right.
Victory Field – Soccer
17400 Victory Blvd,
Van Nuys, CA 91406
DIRECTIONS: North on White Oak; Right on Victory;
Victory Field on Right hand side just before Louise.
Viewpoint School
23620 Mullholland Way
Take 101 West and exit Topanga Canyon South. Pass Ventura Blvd. and make a right on Mullholland Dr. Make a left on Mullholland Hwy. Pass Calabasas high school, then pass the stop sign and continue for a mile. There is a sign on the left that says Viewpoint high school. DO NOT go there pass that sign. Then turn left on Dry Canyon and the gym is on the right hand side of the parking lot.
Webb School
1175 West Baseline Rd.
Claremont, CA 91711
Take 101 East to 134 East to 210 East. You will drive approximately 25 miles on 210 East. Exit Towne Ave. and turn left. Make a left on Baseline . First road on your right is Webb Canyon Rd. Make a right. Take the 2nd drive way on your right going up a hill & through a gate. Stay on your left and that will take you to the gym.