Registration & Tuition Fees
The school maintains high standards of admission. The school administration evaluates an applicant based on the student’s academic and behavioral performance. New applications are processed starting mid-March of each year.
Parents of all applicants must complete and sign the following applications and promptly submit them, along with the registration fee, to the school Administrative Office:
- the Registration Application,
- the Financial Responsibility Agreement and
- the Emergency/Medical Data Sheet
Students are admitted to Ferrahian School upon meeting the following criteria:
- Grade Point Average (GPA) – 2.0 and better
- Citizenship Grade – B and better
- Satisfactory scores in a standardized test
- Satisfactory scores in school placement tests
- Receipt of all requested forms
- Classroom space availability
After submission of the completed application packet with the registration fee to the Treasurer’s Office, the applicant
- will be scheduled for an interview with the Principal, and
- will be evaluated by the Guidance Office and if need be will take a placement test.
All new applicants must forward the following two forms to the school they are currently attending and request that they forward student’s personal records to the Administrative Office:
- Recommendation Form – to be completed by an administrator
- Authorization to Obtain Student Records
- Transcripts of records of last two years
- Attendance records (if not on transcript)
- Results of two most recent standardized test scores
- California School Immunization Record. According to California State Law, Section 49086 of the Education Code, the original (blue card) must be submitted
- Other pertinent developmental information regarding the student